
akhirnya hobi pun tersalur melalui dunia blog
silahkan di nikmati ~

*di modif dengan beribu-ribu kekurangan :

 *armed robbery
  *the avatar, final editions

 *ini cover band?,ato apa? & supaya mengapa?

 *woww.., this 2 guitarist.. ~
gaya nyaa

*the lord of the rings..,
hah?,lain sajaa ~

 *guitar hero, easy :D

 *three twins : rony

*sweet vampirous


 *man crocodile ;)

 *wall grafitti
*original photo

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1 Response to "Photodify"

  1. rYan iNspirasi says:
    21 November 2010 pukul 04.40

    mantap jaNk..
    suKses Yee,...

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